Thursday, March 26, 2015

Wisconsin Republicans Eliminate Weekends

Act 10 and RTW weren't enough, now Wisconsin Republicans want to give us a 7 day work week.
As Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker signed the so-called "right to work" bill on March 9, making Wisconsin the twenty-fifth right-to-work state in the country, labor advocates braced themselves for the stream of anti-worker bills that were almost certain to follow. Many assumed the first target would be Wisconsin's 1930s prevailing wage laws, which require that workers on public works projects be paid the established going rate for their labor, rather than allowing contractors to try to outbid each other by lowering workers' wages. Few, however, expected the legislative cluster bomb that is currently being referred to committee by a pair of Republicans: a bill to repeal the weekend.
LA Times: Could Wisconsin's Scott Walker now abolish the weekend?
State law currently allows factory or retail employees to work seven days or more in a row for a limited period, but they and their employer have to jointly petition the Department of Workforce Development for a waiver. These petitions apparently number a couple of hundred a year. The new proposal would allow workers to "voluntarily choose" to work without a day of rest. The state agency wouldn't have a say.
It can't be a secret what "voluntarily" really means in this context. As Marquette University law professor Paul Secunda told the Nation, the measure "completely ignores the power dynamic in the workplace, where workers often have a proverbial gun to the head." Workers will know that if the boss demands it, they'll be volunteering or else. 

right to work is for employers not workers who might see those overtime dollar,  it is a green light for them to use you however and for whatever they want to compensate you nothing they do is ever fou you.  republicans salivate at the opportunity to serve big business,  this is more of their threatening employees to bend to right wing business desires remember Romney guy mine owner who told his workers to contribute to Romney

let's make it really clear how the republican right wing operates and they call Pres. lawless??? pick a link from link below