Saturday, March 21, 2015

Send help: Republican staffers buried under avalanche of God-fearing chicken sandwiches

Chick-Fil-A's signature chicken sandwich
Do you remember back when Chick-fil-A's very godly and conservative CEO defended the chain's big donations to anti-marriage-equality groups by declaring that same-sex marriage was "inviting God's judgment" on America? In the halls of Congress, it has turned Chick-fil-A into the official Republican junk food.
Since [CEO Dan Cathy] made his controversial comments, House Republicans have spent nearly $13,000 in taxpayer money ordering Chick-fil-A, according to expenditure reports filed through July 2014 (the latest available). That's the equivalent of 3,900 original chicken sandwiches, and it represents a 37-fold increase over the paltry $345 the House GOP had spent on Chick-fil-A the previous three years. 
(It also may be an undercount, since some receipts say only "food and beverage" without specifying a source.) Figures for the Senate were not available, but the GOP's campaign arms have been eating "mor chikin" as well: The Republican National Committee has doubled its Chick-fil-A spending, while the National Republican Congressional Committee spends more than 10 times as much as it used to.
is this payback for their supporting bigotry and republican idiotology?  that chicken looks fried so all the racial epithets about Black cuisine are now part of the right wing things to eat and places to find it.  you have to admit putting aside a major new appreciation for greasy fried foods it does look awfully like a thank you chick-fil-a for your support and from now on you will be our take out de jour, or are they just mocking Mrs. Obama healthy eating project????