Now that the Department of Justice report on Ferguson has been released, the veil has been lifted on a corrupt system that bled that town’s African-American citizens of their income, rights and freedom. Ferguson’s Municipal Court had become a criminal enterprise bent on increasing revenue by bleeding citizens dry.
The racist jokes and comments forwarded by city officials are the tip of the iceberg in this DOJ report. Though that sort of racism is abhorrent, extorting money under threat of additional fees, fines and jail time is what really boggles my mind. Funny how problems arise when you’ve got a judge who is also a prosecutor and defense attorney, all at the same time. (Not to mention the assorted co-conspirators who seem to be straight out of Idiot Racist Central Casting.)
Sure, Ferguson is a mess, but what is particularly tragic is that a system of debtors’ prisons festers nationwide. And while not every city or town robs citizens at the barrel of a (police) gun, racial disparities in the criminal justice system provide fertile ground for the abuses seen in Ferguson. I urge you to dive deeper into the links in this blog post as well as those located here.
i was hesitant to post this i know it's a scam i once about 20 years ago had occasion to use one of the payday loan places what get's lost is that the money comes out of your next check putting you right back where you were last payday. there are legit needs for extra money at times and for working poor it is a blessing in disguise. i've recently seen ads for car title loans for thousands of dollars if you default you lose your car.
if you need 2 or 3 thousand you don't have it what makes you think that you will when it becomes due. it is a racket though legal it preys on Americans in temporary trouble and puts them in potentially a permanent trouble. it not only preys on Blacks but anyone in need is a target, the smile o your face can soon be turned upside down, try to stay current and within your means makes a difference for real!