Thursday, March 5, 2015

Scott Walker wants to remove Wisconsin from UW
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With the release of the plain-English version of the Wisconsin state budget by the Legislative Fiscal Bureau, we've been getting new information on the depths of this new Walker budget. And if you dig inside to the University of Wisconsin System's part of the budget,in addition to the $300 million in cuts to System funding and the spinning off of the System into an independent authority, there is an obvious theme, which is this- the UW System's mission of outreach to the rest of the state is being taken out.
What grabbed a lot of the media's attention over the last two days is the passage in the LFB's analysis that mention the removal of a requirement to report sexual assault statistics on campus to the Wisconsin Department of Justice (page 50 on the PDF). Now, the Walker Administration and some newspapers have tried to walk back the story, as a UW System spokesman claims the System was the organization that asked for the provision, claiming it to be redundant since the feds already require such reporting. 
But our media shouldn't let the Walker folks off the hook on this issue, and not just because the UW spokesman claiming the removal was the System's idea was a guy appointed by Walker last month, and wasn't an active part of these budget discussions. Because there is an overriding theme of Scott Walker's budget when it comes to the UW System - that the college system isn't supposed to serve the common good, outside of the campus's boundaries. I'll give you three examples (and there are many more).
this guy is another right wing darling look at what it takes to be a winner in republican circles, kill workers voice for wage, job safety, hours that is the removal of unions, cutting such a large sum from higher ed. limits the education we over pay for now, taxes denial to proceedings of the people's house and taking bribes fro Koch bros. to implement their agenda buying America. oh and you have to be a decent liar too.  this link shows the intensity and overzealous approach he takes while ruining lives and this was just one day, who and what is he going screw the other 364 days???