Thursday, March 5, 2015

Boehner's ads attacking conservatives look like the spots Republicans ran against Dems—in 2002!

U.S. House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) wipes away tears during his remarks at a Congressional Gold Medal ceremony honoring members of the First Special Service Force at the U.S. Capitol in Washington February 3, 2015. The "Devil's Brigade" special operati

The GOP civil war, which burst wide open with last week's Homeland Security funding debacle, has now reached a fever pitch. The American Action Network, a super PAC tied to none other than House Speaker John Boehner, is airing $400,000 worth of television ads, radio spots, and robocalls targeting "dozens" of Boehner's fellow Republicans for their refusal to go along with rest of their party when it comes to paying for the department's operations.
What's even more amazing is the imagery AAN is using. If you were following politics a dozen years ago, you saw this exact kind of fearmongering with distressing frequency—except it was leveled at Democrats, in the form of mendacious claims that limp-wristed liberals were feckless wimps who wanted to offer "therapy and understanding" to Global Supervillain No. 1 Saddam Hussein and his creepy brother-in-law, Osama bin Laden.
We've certainly come a long way around the bend, but it's almost impossible to overstate how delicious it is to watch Republicans feel the brunt of hysterical attacks that they're "putting our security at risk" because they're sending "the wrong message to our enemies"—complete with clips of black-masked jihadis armed with assault weapons, in case anyone was confused. They deserve this. Oh how they deserve this.
But here's the really crazy part: We still have no idea what Boehner's end-game is here. He's done everything he can to pretend like he hasn't promised Nancy Pelosi that he'll allow a vote on "clean" legislation that would fund Homeland Security through September, but he doesn't need to target dystopians like Tim Huelskamp to pass that bill. (All it'll take is a unified Democratic Party—not a problem in this case—plus a handful of GOP votes from the not-totally-insane wing.)
So why is Boehner's super PAC antagonizing the ultra-conservative nutters like this? What does he hope to gain? The bill that failed last week thanks to right-wing purity troll defections would have only kept the department in business for another three weeks. Even if Boehner could pass that bill now, what would be the point? He'd just be putting off his day of reckoning.
hypocrisy abounds as does the blissful air that surrounds their chamber,  the ad does not come out and say it's republicans that are risking our security just "some in congress".   if you pay attention to who put the ad up you would think they are talking about Dems, misdirection is still misleading and still misinformation.  does he think he can snitch and make those he's snitching on anonymous?  

both bills the tried to pass were can kicking down the road just like repealing ObamaCares do they intend to keep doing this until 2016 then blame Pres. for their malfeasance?  we are not dumb they are the party of stupid so some will bite but the rest of us from now until infinity will always blame them for the dastardly deeds they try to smoke a mirror us with.  we hear that "we've come along way" a lot lately from both sides but seriously can we really quantify that when pretty much everything that was still is and in our faces. 

 those that have embraced change are the first step thank God for that,  but until people stop trying to control others and deny rights and dominate looking back at the jim crow days and before what really has changed we have people of color in ranking positions even POTUS if it was that much of a change why are the same things going on and they really don't singularly or collectively have the ability to make it better?  2016?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????