WASHINGTON -- Republicans on the Senate Budget Committee voted Thursday to shield attempts to repeal the Affordable Care Act from objections that it would add to the government's budget deficit.
The budget resolution for 2016 includes what are known as reconciliation instructions that tell several congressional committees to come up with ways to undo Obamacare. Such reconciliation measures only require 51 votes to pass in the Senate.
But the spending plan also includes language that allows lawmakers to raise what are known as budget points of order against any legislation that would add more than $5 billion to the deficit, and block it. According to the last estimate by the Congressional Budget Office, repealing Obamcare would add $210 billion to the deficit.
That would seem to make it likely that any Obamacare repeal effort would run afoul of a point of order, which takes 60 votes to surmount. So, later in the resolution, it exempts an attempt to repeal Obamacare from those points of order.
"We have a point of order in the budget for anything that adds to the deficit, but we have a section that specifically excludes the Affordable Care Act from that," Stabenow said. "So think about it. This budget is conceding the fact that the Affordable Care Act has reduced the deficit, and repealing the law would increase the deficit."
lawless admin, not transparent, lying to the people these are a few things they accuse Pres. of but as usual it's really the stuff they do unable to come up with anything new they go back to their book of "yeah we did that too and first" for ammunition to use against Pres. except the guidance systems are faulty because they always seem to lock on it was really them who did the deed.
Stabenow also alluded a related problem the GOP budget ignores: At the same time that it instructs Congress to come up with a repeal, it continues to count all the revenue that the Affordable Care Act is expected to raise -- and which the government wouldn't collect if the law is dismantled.
"You can’t rig the rules on both sides," Stabenow said. "That’s not fair. I would argue that’s really budget gimmickry. I think it’s important if you are going to eliminate the Affordable Care Act, you have to step up and assume the consequences of that."
"I think that probably any repeal is probably going to take at least 60 votes, and probably 67 votes," Enzi said.
Still, Stabenow countered that her amendment was useful in making clear what was actually happening in the name of "honest budgeting."
Republicans opposed Stabenow's amendment on a party-line vote, 12 to 10, and passed the budget by the same tally.
republicans are still trying to take away your ACA is it just they want to feel like they won something the last 6 years after all the lies and skulduggery, stealing elections by suppressing the other sides voters is not a win it's fraud and anti American or has it become American for them any way? this is what is meant by republicans, this is no way to government or a lemonade stand. they can't agree within their own ranks about depriving Americans of ACA as well as the majority of Americans want it to stay. this link is from Kaiser an insurance co. affiliate, so who are the republicans putting ahead of you and our family's well being, big business???