Saturday, March 21, 2015

John Boehner tries to school Obama on leadership. Fails. Miserably.

House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio holds an on-camera briefing.

John Boehner has been a notoriously weak and ineffective speaker, struggling to get the Republican votes he needs on major legislation and facing an unprecedented number of his own members voting against him for speaker this year. Under the circumstances, you'd think he and his people would just try to stay away from questions of leadership, but instead, on Wednesday Boehner's blog featured a piece attempting to show how much President Obama sucks by comparing him to the leadership of John Boehner.
According to Boehner's blog, Obama was "going to Cleveland to try and start a partisan political brawl." (In reality: to announce investments in manufacturing and talk about the economy.)
Meanwhile, in the House, Republicans will be using today to move forward with markup and debate on our budget, which balances within 10 years and paves the way to job creation and new opportunities for all Americans.
(In reality: Republican infighting prevented them from getting their own budget out of committee on Wednesday and they didn't get the job done until Thursday. Also in reality: The budget would be economically disastrous and is balanced on the backs of poor and middle-class Americans.)
Continuing on: "Republicans have passed bill after bill this year to help make a difference for middle-class families"—followed by a list of exactly the kind of Republican "jobs bills" that economists say wouldn't create jobs.
you can tell that no real time is ever put into their proposals like Romney saying he'd cut the deficit by 2016, Pres. already been there done that.

the jobs bills, are they the same jobs bills they promised in 2010 that brought us the tea people?  and balancing the budget in 10 years what is that a play on they have to be in office for at least 12 years in order to see their reality because no Dem would allow the poor and middle class to continue fronting the country for those rich they refuse to tax although they were all for it in 2012 but as we found out it was just lip service like those 2010 job promises, btw Mr. Speaker where are those 2010 jobs Pres. beat you to those too huh?

perpetual lie machine republicans it will never stop even when out of office it never stops (Cheyney) maybe we too should never stop setting the record straight and make ourselves known again, i guess some feel if our elected officials won't fight for us why should we fight for ourselves that answer is not hidden in that statement it is the reason we should fight for ourselves start with a change of guard 2016, no help no vote.