Friday, March 20, 2015

On Hannity, Mark Levin Accuses Obama Of Being Anti-Semitic Levin: "Mr. Holder, Mr. Obama, Let's Have A National Discussion About The Anti-Semitism That Reeks From Your Administration."

first off there was nothing said that wasn't true about Netanyahu,  Hannity well he's just being the second best liar on Fox.  just listen and get a better understanding of why the country is split some live in reality others well NASA is still out on what planet.

if a foreign leader goes behind your leaders back to appease the right wing of both countries and wave the saber along with your saber wavers in a country where the greater percent opposes war would you be so quick to embrace a sneak.  Hannity and co. are because they are all right wing lying i can't wait to nuke somebody SOB'S.