Thursday, March 19, 2015

Poll shows Hillary Clinton dominating every Republican presidential candidate

Hillary Clinton speaks during a rally for Democratic challenger for Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf at the National Constitution Center in Philadelphia, October 9, 2014. The general election day in Pennsylvania will be held on November 4, 2014. REUTERS/Mar

A new CNN/ORC poll shows Hillary Clinton dominating the Republican field ... which pretty much explains the Republican obsession with Eghazi and Benghazi and any other eye-roller of an allegation they can come up with. In the poll's head-to-head match-ups, Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul comes the closest to Clinton, but her 11-point lead over him, 54 percent to 43 percent, isn't what you'd call razor thin.
After Paul, Florida Sen. Marco Rubio trails Clinton by a mere 13 points, 55 to 42, former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee is one more point back, drawing 41 percent to Clinton's steady 55 percent, and Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, and New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie all poll 15 points behind Clinton, 55 to 40. Former neurosurgeon Ben Carson also polls at 40 percent, but Clinton gains an extra point on him, rising to 56 percent.

prepare for all kinds of hypocrisy and hyperbole and cries of criminal acts with emails  they are really going to crash this time they have to create their own homegrown scandals on Hilary while continuing for 2 more years their attack on Pres. to bring him down.  remember they have done nothing for going into 7 years but this attack and lie,  they were totally failing the last 6 years but now to wage war on all the fronts they are opposed to will end up with the American peoples work not being done by republican sorry but they have to finish off the Black guy in the WH and start up on the women who very well may be the next one in the big chair,  

than 8 more years of obstruction and again the Dems who saved our homeland security from republican hostage takers plan going awry will have to go around them to get anything done,  this time will sting as well from a Black guy to a woman boy they will be using those guns they carry to shoot themselves in the head,  while that will take care of our major problem replacing them could be just as harrowing give the gullibility of their base.