Thursday, March 19, 2015

World presses Netanyahu after upset election win

Jerusalem (AFP) - As Benjamin Netanyahu weighed up options for a new rightwing coalition Thursday, Western governments cranked up the pressure on the Israeli premier over his controversial campaign pledge ruling out a Palestinian state.
Both the European Union and the United States gave a cool reception to Netanyahu's upset victory in Tuesday's election.
They expressed concern that his lurch to the right during the hard-fought campaign could prove an insurmountable obstacle to any resumption of peace talks.
 Palestinian president Mahmud Abbas said a two-state solution to the Middle East conflict would be impossible with a new government led by Netanyahu.
In a last-ditch appeal to Israel's far right just hours before polls opened, the incumbent ruled out the establishment of a Palestinian state and pledged to build thousands of new homes for Jewish settlers in annexed Arab east Jerusalem.
While it may have secured him a third consecutive term, it has left him deeply isolated internationally and has done further damage to his already frosty relations with US President Barack Obama.
the guy is a hard nose right winger don't put any forms of skulduggery pass him i'm sure he and the republicans discussed this and knew exactly what they were doing and that being kill the Iran talks.  engaging with the rogue republican congress to undercut the Pres. to me we should not back him when yes when he decides to get his warrior on.  nobody wants to attack Iran more that evidently the right wings of the world. 

i wrote yesterday we are not their big brother who will protect them from their perceived neighborhood bully especially when it's becoming more and more clear that Netanyahu is the real bully in the hood. if he and those who chose the war mongerer want to fight Iran knock themselves out go for it but not with our sons, daughters, husbands and wives, or our taxpayer money.