Sunday, March 8, 2015

Meet 3 Ferguson employees cited by DOJ for racism & corruption now in charge of cleaning up the city

Darren Wilson in the middle with his arms around Mary Ann Twitty, who was just fired for racism, corruption, and misconduct as Ferguson's Top Court Clerk

In the scathing 105-page report on the Ferguson Police Department and municipal court system, hundreds of incidents of racism, corruption, cronyism, and discriminatory profiteering are detailed—with employees from the top to the bottom in Ferguson driving the system every day of the week. The report makes it clear that Ferguson's government wasn't made up of just a few bad apples, but that the entire system was completely infected. The primary symptom of that infection was the misery of black families in and around the city, frequently arrested without cause, confronted, harassed, and ticketed for "crimes" like jaywalking or simply sitting in their cars, forced to pay excessive fines or suffer jail time. Ferguson, with an almost exclusively white government but predominantly black population, looked and felt more like apartheid South Africa than modern-day America.
In the picture above, you are looking at former Ferguson Police Officer Darren Wilson, two months before he killed Mike Brown, with his hands around Mary Ann Twitty, the top court clerk in Ferguson, who was cited in the DOJ report over and over and over again for racism and corruption. She was the first person fired by Ferguson Mayor James Knowles. While she dismissed tickets and citations for white judges and friends, she pushed and pushed for every penny of every fine to be paid by African Americans every chance she got. She sent flagrantly racist emails openly to her colleagues as if they all must have shared her beliefs.
While it's great that Mary Ann Twitty has been fired, she was not the exception in Ferguson, but the rule. Below the fold are at least three more Ferguson executives who are cited in the DOJ report for racism and corruption, who still remain on the job to somehow clean up the mess.
good call on Ferguson local corruption but to have the very ones complicit in responsible positions to correct it is byond the fox watching the hen house.  let's say they do the work and those who are there to oversee have to eat, sleep and go potty no 24/7 watch on those with the track record.  they have shown they have no honor and can't be trusted to reverse decades of bigotry and strong arming.

read the rest of the article it discloses those that are the key holders before and now during the "CLEANUP" ???????

as to Michael Brown i still believe as reported in the beginning Wilson grabbed him around the neck pulled him into the car and pulled his weapon to intimidate but got a young Black man fighting for his life with cops he knew the history of their treatment of people like him.  gun went off in struggle reasonable for Michael to try get the impending instrument of his death out of the hands of the guy threatening him.  

punches yeah i would have bit and kicked if possible, WILSON WAS IN VENGEANCE MODE WALKED HIM DOWN AND KILLED HIM.  they talked about what Wilson thought leading up to and while committing the act, what about what Michael thought while being assaulted and shot at??  two sides to every story in this case one side was completely ignored.  very disappointed with DOJ.