Thursday, March 26, 2015

Liberty students cheer for Cruz's call to end Obamacare, apparently too dumb to realize they benefit

U.S. Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) pauses to look at the crowd as he confirms his candidacy for the 2016 U.S. presidential election race during a speech at Liberty College in Lynchburg, Virginia March 23, 2015. Cruz, a conservative firebrand who frequently clas

"Man, these kids are idiots!"
Here's a little snippet from Ted Cruz's speech to kick off his 2016 presidential run, delivered earlier today to the attendance-was-mandatory throng of students at Jerry Falwell's Liberty University:
Cruz: Five years ago today, the president signed Obamacare into law
Audience: BOO
Cruz: Within hours, Liberty University went to court filing a lawsuit to stop that failed law
Audience: APPLAUSE
Cruz: … imagine in 2017, a new president signing legislation repealing every word of Obamacare.
Audience: APPLAUSE
And from the Liberty University Student Health Insurance Plan guidebook:
Be advised that you may be eligible for coverage under a group health plan of a parent’s employer or under a parent’s individual health insurance policy if you are under the age of 26.
the right wing base has established for us how adopting right wing evangelical philosophy leads you to say and think some of the worst decisions you will ever make  as far as Liberty what are they really teaching if the students appear to dumb to understand they are cheering for something their parents have decried for decades to once again be imposed but this time they are on their own.

we know they are trying to change the curriculum's of public institutions to be more subjugated and obey and ignore past history and how to be a good republican that's their conundrum that is an oxymoron.  it is acceptable to feel that if they are trying to implement this on the general public that their private places already teach the same got to keep that lock step drone army in line they are their future haters, they even teach it in tea party summer indoctrination camps.