Saturday, March 14, 2015

Hahaha: NYT Busts Jeb Bush For Violating Florida Email Law

She added, “The law clearly says you’re supposed to turn everything over at the end of your term in office.”New York Times has just busted Jeb Bush for not turning over the emails from his private account immediately after leaving office... but instead waiting a very, very long time to do so.
It was so long, in fact, that he was clearly in violation of Florida law!
Jeb Bush has rebuked Hillary Rodham Clinton for her use of a private email account as secretary of state, holding up his own conduct as an example of transparency in government.
But it took Mr. Bush seven years after leaving office to comply fully with a Florida public records statute requiring him to turn over emails he sent and received as governor, according to records released Friday.
Damn. And the media was just criticizing Hillary for taking four months to turn over all her emails after the State Department's request!
Mr. Bush delivered the latest batch of 25,000 emails in May 2014, seven and a half years after leaving the Statehouse and just as he started to contemplate a potential run for the White House, according to a newly disclosed letter written by his lawyer.
A Florida statute governing the preservation of public records requires elected officials, including the governor, to turn over records pertaining to official business “at the expiration of his or her term of office.”
“If they’ve been adding to it, it’s a technical violation of the law,” said Barbara A. Petersen, president of the First Amendment Foundation, a nonprofit, nonpartisan group in Florida that advocates access to government information.
She added, “The law clearly says you’re supposed to turn everything over at the end of your term in office.”
 In the parlance of the New York Times: It raises many new concerns.
For instance, how did Jeb determine which emails were private and which pertained to his government work? Are his private emails recoverable? Why did it take him so very long to comply with the law? Was his email server secure? How many devices did he use then and how many does he use now? Did he ever email his wife while in office...and does she even use email?
if i wanted to lie and i'm a public personality i'm going to hire someone to research me before i go out pointing fingers and beating my own drum while beating up on somebody else's they have the entire right wing gushing with money and nobody checks before they embarrass themselves, don't understand it but grateful they are the party of stupid, makes it easy because someone will fact check or look for the contradiction by others or out of their own mouths, which we know is inevitable.  it's like they get in a zone and only see with blinders look at the time and money they are still spending on Pres. even though he can't run again in between the time and money they are now spending to beat down Hilary.

with so much time till Nov. 4th 2016 they are predictably going to muff it up multiple times for each one running now they have 10 contenders multiple muff ups per contestant we could go into hundreds.  they have cut debates to 9 but will that really stop the clown car from getting it's laughs?