Saturday, March 14, 2015

Carly Fiorina hopes pathetic attacks on Hillary Clinton will boost her relevance

Carly Fiorina at CPAC 2014.

Hillary Clinton's dominance as the 2016 presidential race develops has opened up a role for one or more Republican women: attack dog. And Carly Fiorina is diving in eagerly. The failed Hewlett-Packard CEO and losing 2010 California Senate nominee is making noises about a presidential run, and so far, her main platform appears to be attacking Clinton.
“Like Hillary Clinton, I too, have traveled hundreds of thousands of miles around the globe, but unlike her, I have actually accomplished something,” she told conservatives in Iowa in January. “Mrs. Clinton: Flying is an activity, not an accomplishment.”
Okay. How do we categorize being in the running for worst CEO or at least worst tech CEO of recent years? It's not just an activity, but is it an accomplishment? Believe it or not, though, that's one of Fiorina's stronger attacks on Clinton:
She accused Mrs. Clinton, whose most recent memoir is “Hard Choices,” of copying the title of her own 2006 memoir, “Tough Choices.” An aide to Ms. Fiorina posted an image on Twitter of the two book jackets side by side.
And last month, after Mrs. Clinton urged 5,000 female tech professionals in Silicon Valley to “unlock our full potential,” Ms. Fiorina again accused Mrs. Clinton of stealing: Her leadership political action committee, an aide to Ms. Fiorina noted, is called the Unlocking Potential Project. And next weekend she will kick off an Unlocking Potential conference, with the tagline “From Hometowns to Washington: How Women Across America Can Create Real Conservative Change.”
she is a hateful women so she fits the republican stupids perfectly.  i don't think the vitriol dripping out the sides of her mouth appeals to anyone other than the republican base, Pres. has shown them twice that that is not enough even with the voter blocking and gerrymandering, so what is she doing reverse psychology showing Progressives and independents how right wing nasty she is will convert to votes for her for president???? her high point is getting fired from HP and bashing Obama and now Hilary it's a republican thing that only appeals to republicans,  but it will be interesting to see how the stupid party handles her potential run, she's no Sarah Palin what that means in her case i really don't know. /s