Monday, March 16, 2015

Disgraced judge and prosecutor Ronald Brockmeyer has resigned in majority of his Ferguson roles

Ronald Brockmeyer

A city council member raised concerns about Brockmeyer three years ago, saying he didn't listen to testimony, review reports, or allow witnesses to testify, and suggested that Brockmeyer not be reappointed. Shaw acknowledged Brockmeyer's work had issues, but said, “It goes without saying the city cannot afford to lose any efficiency in our courts, nor experience any decrease in our fines and forfeitures,” Shaw said.
The word has been out on James Shaw for years, but he truly made Ferguson and its surrounding towns so much money that it was an offer they couldn't refuse. In addition to being the lone municipal judge in Ferguson, Ronald Brockmeyer was paid separately to serve as a judge and prosecutor in four other municipalities, including lead prosecutor for Florissant, municipal prosecutor for Vinita Park, municipal prosecutor for Dellwood, and municipal judge for Breckenridge Hills
The jig is up, though.
In addition to be cited over and over again in the Ferguson report, Radley Balko of the Washington Post began uncovering Brockmeyer's harsh ways back in September just a month after the murder of Mike Brown. The Guardian then revealed that Brockmeyer, who would send people to jail for owing $100, hypocritically owes over $170,000 to the IRS.
you know with all the high level corruption charges coming out and appearing to involve everyone connected in any way to the power structure they way they crafted their collective incomes built on fines and tickets and repossessions from the majority Black population i have to say it again is that not taxation without representation?  why aren't federal laws like those imposed on criminal enterprises like RICO or IRS evasion already proven violation of civil rights hell gang charges would seem to apply as well.  and they ask what more do the citizens of Ferguson want?  i think they have been doing this so long they actually think it's legal well it was to them until they got caught.

citizens complained about the criminal way Ferguson was run nobody paid attention just like always when Black people have a grievance and it's ignored for decades than those guilty can keep ignoring and saying same stuff pulling race card and than again denial and ignoring, i'd say they have a one thing more they want justice.  when your politicians and local gov't and law enforcement can disqualify you and any claims you make and the judicial kangaroo courts uphold them, think what do you think is left for you to do, lay down and cry or find a way rights are documented there are those who don't oppose listed in papers internet.  some may think it takes to long to get noticed but better to be working toward solution then waiting for superman.