Monday, March 16, 2015

Gallup poll: American people feel that the government is our nation's most important problem

U.S. House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) wipes away tears during his remarks at a Congressional Gold Medal ceremony honoring members of the First Special Service Force at the U.S. Capitol in Washington February 3, 2015. The

A Gallup poll from last week found that:
Americans continue to name the government (18%) as the most important U.S. problem, a distinction it has had for the past four months. Americans' mentions of the economy as the top problem (11%) dropped this month, leaving it tied with jobs (10%) for second place.
Other problems that have been higher on the list over the past year include:
Race Relations
Interestingly, healthcare and the economy have been dropping slightly over recent weeks—maybe people actually having affordable healthcare is making them happy about it? Maybe not. One thing is clear, our Congress is a disaster and Americans know it.
some of us blame the Pres. some blame republicans especially those in congress who hold the purse strings and refuse to let them go when it comes to social programs for poor and elderly and disabled but have no compunction of holding those strings open with both hands to try and keep us from getting healthcare or trying to pin their spun tales on the donkeys (Dems).  numerous committees to find the guilt that only lies in their heads and backyards to the tune of tens of millions if not more.  they spent 6 years going after their fool's gold never once considering doing anything that they were elected to do, got away with it by convincing their base destroying Obama at their expense was a much better plan.

those who want to blame Pres. chew on this nicotine causes cancer and you probably don't want to have to use ObamaCares.