Saturday, September 19, 2015

Get used to it. You're going to see a lot more of this headline in your lifetime: Hottest year ever

Average global temperature measurements

While Republican debaters seek ways to wipe off the stink of their global-warming denier labels and Republicans in Congress, state legislatures and the governors' mansions seek ways to undermine the Obama administration's modest but essential efforts to control greenhouse gas emissions, the tabulators of global warming stand aghast at what's happening far faster than most climate scientists expected.
Like a broken record, we are breaking records for temperature over and over and over again. NOAA’s latest monthly State of the Climate Report reports that the Earth just experienced the hottest August on record, the hottest summer (June to August) on record, and the hottest year to date.
And it wasn’t even close. Each of those records was broken by 0.18°F (or more). So, yes, 2015 is going to be the hottest year on record — by far. Last month, climate scientist Jessica Blunden, who works with NOAA, said it’s “99 percent certain that it’s going to be the warmest year on record.” That is crystal clear from this NOAA chart:

global temperatures

The study, titled "Debunking the climate hiatus" and published online this week in the journal Climatic Change, is a comprehensive assessment of the purported slowdown, or hiatus, of global warming. [...]
"Our results clearly show that, in terms of the statistics of the long-term global temperature data, there never was a hiatus, a pause or a slowdown in global warming," said Noah Diffenbaugh, a climate scientist in the School of Earth, Energy & Environmental Sciences, and a co-author of the study.[...]
"Global warming is like other noisy systems that fluctuate wildly but still follow a trend," Diffenbaugh said. "Think of the U.S. stock market: There have been bull markets and bear markets, but overall it has grown a lot over the past century. 
What is clear from analyzing the long-term data in a rigorous statistical framework is that, even though climate varies from year to year and decade to decade, global temperature has increased in the long term, and the recent period does not stand out as being abnormal."
your question should you decide to take it, who do you believe those who told you they were not scientist and in the next breath proceed to deny the findings of 97% of scientist.  those on the right wing are your dedications to republican agenda more important that you and your children's lives????????

if the answer is no than you should not have a problem in the voting booth, if it's yes than you might want to ponder this:  "the definition of stupid is knowing the truth, seeing the truth but still believing the lies" just a shout out to republican base. don't know the author