Thursday, March 5, 2015

Cartoon: The (in)complete field guide to American extremists

It was another dumb week in dumbness. Everyone was arguing over the semantics of “radical this, extremist that” instead of what can be done about ISIS.
The options are terrible and nobody in elite circles wants to admit there’s nothing we can do. Over a decade of the United States’ foreign adventures should have proven that bombing campaigns only create more extremists, both abroad and among the war-crazies at home.
note the extremist issues portrayed here are republican ideologies, once again the absurdity of right wing agenda is best illustrated in animation.  that decade of foreign adventures by US was initiated by a republican vice president and the president he controlled all in the name of retaliation to 911,  

but you don't attack, invade, over throw a oil rich nation who had nothing to do with it.  they talk about all the intelligence said the same thing,  of course it will if you have the power to rewrite law giving torture a green light then you also have it to make reports say what you need to achieve your objective.  i remember a PSA from Bush telling troops not to destroy the oil fields i can't find it