Thursday, March 5, 2015

Republicans say no to American-made steel for Keystone XL

Republicans like to point to Keystone XL as one of their signature jobs bills and, when oil prices are high, like to imply that it would mean cheap oil flowing free in America. But Tuesday afternoon they voted down two Democratic amendments aimed at just those issues.
Massachusetts Sen. Ed Markey's amendment to the Keystone bill would have prohibited oil shipped through the pipeline from being exported. It was killed by a 57 to 42 vote. Minnesota Sen. Al Franken's amendment would have required that the pipeline be built with American steel. It was killed by a 53 to 46 vote.
Seriously. "It's a jobs bill! It's a jobs bill!" "Okay, let's require that it be made with American materials, creating more jobs." "Hell, no."

this is the inadvertent  admission by the right wing oil for the rich crowd if you are going to tout something as good for Americans and jobs and it's economy try and have something American involved.  temporary construction jobs do not trump Pres.'s American jobs act