Thursday, February 5, 2015

Christian minister opens Tennessee Senate with prayer to end Medicaid expansion

June Griffin doing her opening prayer

June Griffin, a "longtime crusader for Christian values," gave the opening prayer for the Tennessee Senate this morning. After taking special prayer requests, she went right into a downright bizarre prayer to end any effort to expand Medicaid in Tennessee (thanks to the Nashville Scene for the transcript):
I pray for the people of Tennessee who have been so downtrodden by the wicked courts from on high that they have been subject to tyrannical judiciary. And I pray that you would save Tennessee from the edicts of Washington DC that would go against the plain wishes of the people of Tennessee, particularly pertaining to the 9th and 10th Amendment.
I pray that you would sanctify this state, that it would be holy and would be a leader among the other states. That they would see that there is a God that lives, that you love the people of Tennessee. That you gave your life that we might be saved from our sins. I pray that you would forgive the many sins of carelessness or lethargy or desperation. The compromises.
Oh lord save Tennessee for Jesus sake, and I pray that your will would be done that you would be our coverage, that we would not be forced into these edicts from Washington DC or any other quarter, but let the people know that our coverage is the same as with Moses and the children of Israel when they went through the wilderness with only the divine providence of almighty God.
So I pray that everywhere there are meetings, and there is considerations and deliberations, that you would give these men and women who have been elected, give them the backbone and the remembrance of the Tennessee Declaration of Rights, Article 1, Section 2 — we are ordered to resist arbitrary power.
we know republicans and right wing in general don't want us to have affordable health care because they are favoring insurance co.'s who mysteriously are just fine with ACA.

but to stand before people who probably all don't have ins. or do now thanks to ObamaCares and pray to God to kill it and then have the audacity of blasphemous arrogance and to insinuate that it's God's will that they not have this insurance, and strengthen those who would deny it to them,  the devil is fixing up a space for her/him in the VIP wing.  this to me is what makes that party so despicable they wrap the flag around them wade in a pool of faux constitutional rights and steer people in the direction that benefits them they are users.