Friday, November 7, 2014

Personhood now has a 0-5 win-loss record in elections

Demonstrators in support of abortion and contraceptive rights read on their mobile phones as the ruling for Hobby Lobby against their cause was announced outside the U.S. Supreme Court in Washington June 30, 2014. The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday ruled th

Voters rejected personhood measures in Colorado and North Dakota Tuesday night, doing so for the third time in Colorado. In fact, these extreme anti-abortion measures, which put fetuses above women, have accumulated a serious record of rejection:
Before this year's failed initiative, Colorado voters rejected two other personhood ballot initiatives, once in 2008 and again in 2010. In both years, the measures failed by double-digit margins. Mississippi voted on a personhood ballot initiative in 2012. It failed, too, with more than 55 percent opposing the amendment. Legislators have introduced personhood bills in Oklahoma and Virginia but neither passed.
But while personhood has never had an actual life as a law, it's likely to keep rising out of the grave as a zombie, lurching around chasing us on rotten legs. That's because there are a few dedicated extremists who will keep dedicating their lives to this, no matter how soundly their cause is rejected by voters who don't want to see all abortion, in vitro fertilization, and some forms of birth control criminalized. So be ready to see a similar measure resurface in at least one state over the next election cycle or two.

I apologize i'm a little befuddled at the results of the last election not so much the loss but the glaring lack of voters.  I may be giving short responses I don't know I never do till I start pecking.

the people who support this law are hypocrites at best how do you put up such an opposition to abortion and have such apathy to that same kid and mother after you get your way and they are forced into a situation they did not want.  once the kid is born actually up to when the kid is born they make no prenatal care for those who can't afford it as well as the mother those same hypocrites want to now take that benefit away from all Americans taking advantage of what their Pres. was able to secure for them, so you cannot validate something by percentage that is an act of selfish intolerants not of those who care about the fetus and the baby and the mother and if poor any programs that would help that same kid and the mother.

how many of the millennials will fall into that scenario that they just allowed to be reneged a no show or a no vote depends on who it is not showing up they are the defeatist attitudes  that have snatched a positive victory out of the hands of those with that positive agenda that benefits them, education cost, insurance, jobs they won't be able to get and education to make them eligible for the new day.

Tuesday, a child did not lead us.  let us not forget will they have their votes silenced in their future, how many will still be discriminated against, how many will be able to marry who they love, how many will have to go back to ER's being their health care plan.  what will they be able or not able to do 2016???  recognize  the ones who were given the control they did not or would not have won if 2/3 of the electorate just showed up and secured their safety net in their future of now uncertainty.

too late for "AH CRAP" but still early enough to get it secured for 2016.  but now we are working against the same emboldened obstructionist who can put all their agenda in play, previews coming 2015 thru 16 take out a pencil and paper and keep track of what mioght have been that you can still salvage 2016.

so much for short response.