Friday, November 7, 2014

Meet your new craziest Republicans

Jody Hice wearing camo, holding rifle

Rep. Jody Hice, the face of New Republicanism. He'll be defending his Georgia district from the Gays,
Muslims, and women who enter politics without their husbands' permission.
Tuesday's elections brought both a rout of Democrats and a new standard for just who can be a national Republican these days. That's not good, but let's have a quick look at the new House and Senate conservatives most likely to rise to (unintended) prominence in the next two years. It's time for Meet Your New Craziest Republicans.
Glenn Grothman, WI-06: Any list has to start with new Wisconsin Representative Glenn Grothman. Grothman is a finely tuned gaffe machine, if by "gaffe" we mean "saying the things Republicans are not supposed to say out loud." He is a fervent believer in stopping The Gay Agenda, which he believes exists in our nation's classrooms, but it's the full scope of Grothman's bizarre statements that have led us to predict that he will quickly rise to challenge Texas Republican Louie Gohmert for the title of America's Dumbest Congressman. Does he have the stuff? We'll soon know.
Jody Hice, GA-10: Another beneficiary of a hard-right conservative district, Georgia's Jody Hice can't be considered a gaffe machine. He's just plain mean. A tea party Republican right out of central casting, Hice is a preacher, a conservative radio host, a gun-toter, and the district's replacement for Paul "Evolution and embryology and the big bang theory are lies from the pit of Hell" Broun. Hice's most recent hit has been the assertion that Muslim-Americans are not protected by the First Amendment because Islam is not a true religion; he also is frothingly anti-gay and is for women entering politics only if it is "within the authority of her husband." Look for Hice to be a loudmouth Steve King type; not dumb, but meaner than a bag of rattlesnakes and a whole lot louder.

well we know that two thirds of the electorate have spoken and possibly killed the positives made by Pres..  these guys will try and change everything not hateful and discriminative, I wish someone would step up and credibly speak to why the young people elected to not show up, have they changed their minds about an all inclusive America in favor of a more segregated one?  and those others not republican oriented or are they.  what reason would they have to allow the republican agenda of screw everybody and as quiet as it's kept their base too they are in the same economic status of those of us on this side of the street.

I tried to reconcile the total failure of all parts of my party especially those who failed to speak up and fight back instead of allowing republicans to define us.  I also thought did they think that since republicans created the problem and blocked the repair of it if they just gave it back the blockage would stop holding Americans hostage and the republicans will do what they chose not to do for the last 6 years and the two left, like choosing instead of a lesser evil they opened Pandora's box.  that will only be a preliminary action than the honeymoon is over and back to the raping and pillaging of us and the country.

they are now drunk with power and will pursue everything they couldn't fully implement the last 6 years. those millennial's  that thought they were making a statement by staying home just secured the right wing agenda for the next two years of their lives, and their ungrateful show of standing up what did they stand up for more and worse of the same.  those things like health care on parents insurance till 26, bigger debt if they go to college, hobs they made that same promise using the same words in 2010 Mr. Beohner where are those jobs?  they are only talking keystone the sieve coming from Canada with a trail of leaking.  they disregard the fact's to put more money in the rich coffers.

republicans waited less than 24 hours to put it on the top of the pile for approval even though it's life threatening to those in it's path, understand that oil gets sent over seas not to your corne4r gas station which puts the money in people like Cheyney richer and corporations like Exxon Mobil an even bigger drain on our deficit you know republicans won't stop corporate welfare. but they will stop that of poor and hungry Americans.

they saw what happened in 2010 with the promises from republican they get elected and like keystone not 24 hours later they are busting unions denying you a voice for your labor and giving that choice to the employer barons, than proceeded to have their hold card the scotus take away our rights to vote, forget higher wages forget workplace security and safety for get everything you have now inspite of them that some of us decided was more important that to fight for the rights we got under Pres.  I've said it before and again America does not deserve President Barack Hussein Obama
, this last election qualifies that.  too late for "AH CRAP", but not for looking forward and trying to correct the path you so blindly fell for was the wrong one example losing 750,000 jobs a month to adding over a quarter million each month if it has hit you yet you can cry in your water when it would have come but you allowed it to pass us by.

who let the dogs out? maybe two thirds of the electorate let the dogs out

and the gop trolls say???????  whatever they say the same fate will befall them so squeal on and blindly laugh you can always cry in your room at night.