Wednesday, November 5, 2014

is this the undoing of the last 6 years?

we have made such gains in America that we as a nation of humanity should be proud of but looks like enough were not proud or humane and instead vindictive.  bigoted ideologies prevailed over laws passed, those who won are still the same ones who opposed everything the Pres. got implemented for the people and the country, for Catholics the same things the Pope has embraced and set in place for the church.  all the right wing UNCLE SUGAR speak about helping Americans with jobs and a host of other things they have systematically denied us for 6 years and still are denying today in deed and made the Pres. out to be a bad Pres. because he did get those things done for Americans and America.

they are still on track to repeal ObamaCares and potentially impeach him trying to assure there will never be another Black President.  things they said they would support are all part of the law so what part of "every branch and leaf of it was McConnell referring to?  they have not mentioned the Ryan voucher plan lately because they know it's a train wreck and an abomination it was just a plan to kill Medicare and Medicaid the same labels they tried to tie to ObamaCares and keep the elderly and the soon to be's right where they put them at the feet of big Pharma and insurance co.'s.

so what happen it may be too early to know but i have been considering what this midterm would look like had they not gerrymandered disenfranchising millions of voters gagging their freedom of speech and not allowing their voices to be heard.  then there's the homespun lie of voter fraud mysteriously being committed by only Progressive voters millions spent in fake investigations because they knew where the fraud was and they knew they were not looking in the right place, over their shoulders in their backyards at the guy standing next to them making these false accusations.

they deny the reality of their racism and bigotry even though they let it shine from day one of the Pres. throwing his hat in the ring and has never stopped since, they deny inner city kids free lunches but okay it for Appalachian kids.  they have been in a war with food stamps which their base profits more from then any other, backstabbers at least.  their war on women, denied even by their republican women who are subject to that loss of care, pay and equality, they pass laws that benefit rapist after categorizing it in degrees while make chauvinistic jokes about contraception.

they claimed ObamaCares was putting gov't between you and your Dr. which if it were true is lightweight compared to them putting your boss in your bedroom between you your husband and your Dr. hypocrisy abounds and blissful republicans still have a God complex.  they take it further by indoctrinating your kids in their summer camps teaching them their "PRINCIPLES" formerly known as "VALUES" they made that one word change after 2012 as their overhaul as suggested by their autopsy of their party, which they quickly rebuked and said they just need to change how they tell their lies and for them that one word did the trick.

i'm waiting to hear what our turn out was and how many voices they stole with their skulduggery and were those stolen enough to turn the midterm in the correct direction.  voter ID poll intimidation, misinformation, threatening calls and threats of arrest if they didn't do the right thing which they set about misleading those they called.  they still after years have not sought equal taxation from the rich or close loopholes or stopping corporate welfare but they are now promising fair taxes whats that they take equally from the middle and the poor and leave in place equally among the rich?

is this the second day of infamy in American history, what about the tea people and their civil war with the establishment right wing remember all the heinous things they imposed on us shutting down the gov't costing Americans 16 days and 24 billion dollars in loss revenue and they had the audacity to suggest doing it again the first time was because Pres. did not repeal ObamaCares.  that is on top of the tens of millions spent by the fiscally responsible party to investigate their own conflated lies.

we can either look at this as not enough of our party Black, White, hispanic, Asian showed up or the dastardly gerrymandering and voter fraud and voter ID suppression was enough one ight say over kill but they were desperate and the party of stupid because whatever happened will come to light, and i hope steps are taken to assure we change or political structure from one of many faces, gerrymander, fake fraud, voter suppression, voter roll purging, disqualifying at their whim, misleading information about when and where, you might have noticed this all came from the side that won or did they, people say a W is a W but win you cheat to get it there are suppose to be referee's to call you on it and penalize you, that would be the Supreme court of then nation or of the right wing.

you have to ask yourself if Pres. had been White would we have seen this level of atrocity against him?  i heard one republican deny their bigotry and racism because they had an Indian American Gov. and a Black guy senator in South Carolina so what they are republicans they vote the same way the rest of them do and discriminate against their own gender in her case and his people in his case, racial makeup is null and void when you show contempt for that which you are.  remember no matter what you are promised it will always be a republican agenda attached, i think they may try to do a couple of things not on their to do list just for show but they will riddle it with ride along legislation designed to achieve their goals, that is where Pres. will have to use his new job keeping a leash on the mad dogs of our gov't because believe me they will try to shut him down.

pay attention these last two years of a good Presidents term and see what happens to you and the laws he passed that favored "we the people" who may have deserted him in our hour of need remember this "YES WE CAN" not "YES I CAN" THAT IS A FATAL MISTAKE, DID WE MAKE IT????