Sunday, November 9, 2014

Consumers to get peek at 2015 health law premiums

Consumers to get peek at 2015 health law premiums

WASHINGTON (AP) — Starting this weekend, consumers can get an early peek at 2015 premiums and plans under President Barack Obama's health care law, the administration said Friday.'s second open enrollment season starts Nov. 15, a week from Saturday. But spokeswoman Lori Lodes said that consumers will be able to "window shop" for plans before then.
"Window shopping is ready to go," said Lodes. "There is no log-in or application required."
After answering a few questions, consumers can look at plans in their area and get an estimate of how much their premiums will be, including any financial assistance they would be eligible for.
Consumers will later have to set up an account — or go back to their existing account — to actually enroll for 2015. Current customers who do nothing will be automatically renewed as of Jan. 1, but they may well miss out on potential savings.
The lack of a window-shopping feature was one of the initial problems last year for, and a puzzling one.
Most e-commerce sites — as well as— allow people to browse anonymously and don't require an account until consumers are ready to buy. As originally designed, the Obama administration's website worked exactly the opposite way. That contributed to overloading the balky system because everybody got funneled into creating an account, which overtaxed the system to the point of crashes.
"Our top priority this year is to improve the consumer experience," said Lodes.

I don't think there's much of a mystery here my party failed to support the Pres. and his  no their accomplishments, the republican s did a very good job of defining and blocking Pres. and his agenda there was virtually no push back by him or his admin, were they unsure or were they no better than the republicans obstruction silence is as big of an obstruction enabler as those who outwardly exercise it. 

I have no intention of changing my party affiliation but being disabled I will use my keyboard to do what I can to give them a backbone.  I feel the admin with it's veteran politicians were the biggest obstacle for us because they failed to pull his coat and warn him and he equally I think his biggest mistake he thought republicans were there for the people and their elected jobs and would see things a he does doing the job the people elected them for, so he did not ignore but I think held out for the right wing to do the right thing.

 I refuse to believe that right wing voters sent them there to block any progress beneficial to them for 6 years, or shutdown the gov't actually tea people probably did, but the average under informed republican voter were just that under informed they don't realize what happens to their democratic counterparts happens equally to them they are being betrayed and are assisting in the deception