Sunday, November 9, 2014

Electorate divided by daily life, views on issues
GOP Voter ID Requirements
Judging by the exit polls, people who vote for Democrats and those who back Republicans seem to be living in different countries.   Those on either side of the aisle express sharply divergent views on top issues, making it difficult for lawmakers to discern a clear mandate for governing.

—Fifty-four percent of those who voted for Democrats said the country is headed in the right direction, while 88 percent of Republican voters think it's on the wrong track.   —Nearly 9 in 10 of those who voted for Republicans think the economy is in bad shape, compared with just over half of Democratic voters.
—Two-thirds of Democratic voters think the economy is either improving or in good shape and staying that way. Eight in 10 Republican voters think the economy is bad and stagnant or getting worse.
—Sixty-four percent of Republican voters, but only 30 percent of Democratic voters, think life for the next generation of Americans will be worse than life today. 
—On climate change, 86 percent of those who backed Democrats called it a serious problem; two-thirds of Republican voters said it's not a serious issue.
—More than 8 in 10 Republican voters, but only 6 in 10 Democratic voters, are worried about the threat of terrorism.
—Nearly two-thirds of those backing the GOP say marijuana use should be illegal, most Democratic voters disagree.

okay it's obvious that the two sides mirror the rhetoric from the respective parties.  Dems the reality of no longer losing 750,000 jobs a month and now 56 months of job growth which right wing feeds it's people that they are temporary jobs while they sit on Pres. jobs bill projected to create 1.9 million, republican keystone  not as advertised we have been continually lied to, I think they might have confused profit wit hob creation  here is a link that will make it much clearer wh0o's zoomin who.

and even the right wing Bible points out the lies. keystone is not for Americans it's for those in the oil business to get richer at thesafety expense of American citizens.

there are stats for at home between the two it to mirrors the differences we see in morality and civility, the results seem to reflect the rhetoric and the attitudes we see expressed by those politicians and parties, and the influence exerted on some that creates tat anti everything mentality and the indoctrination of their young into that society of intolerance, a vicious circle of more hate and bigotry. 

regardless to the shallow win by republicans we will never know for sure who would have won with 2/3 of the electorate not showing up  all those were not just democrats, and out of that 1/3 there was still very tight races that could have gone our way.  remember 2012 when the gerrymandered and than ran around bragging that Americans voted them back in the house when the truth was they loss popular vote by over a million votes that were squashed because of their skullduggery, those voices removed from the election and forever silenced at least as long as they control the lawless making.

start working toward 2016 because they are.  we are in a sad place our politicians and gov't have failed us and we have failed ourselves. recognize