Friday, September 19, 2014

State says 25 voter applications of 85,000 “confirmed” forgeries


Investigators backed away Wednesday from allegations a Democratic-backed group may have organized voter registration fraud, saying they can confirm 25 applications of more than 85,000 submitted to the Georgia Secretary of State’s office.

Chief investigator Chris Harvey, however, said the office needed more information from the New Georgia Project to confirm no more fraudulent forms existed — already, it has identified another 26 applications as suspicious. The state has extended a deadline for the group to get investigations such information through Sept. 26.
Harvey spoke after the group’s leaders said Secretary of State Brian Kemp may be ignoring more than 51,000 unprocessed voter registration applications to instead pursue what they called “a witch hunt.”
 National experts have said that it is not unusual to have some forms questioned, and that fraud most often is the work of individuals and not part of a coordinated effort by an organization.
this is a republican tactic to cook the vote, gerrymander, purge. disenfranchise, deny ID, lie about time and place and date to vote, place threatening ads on billboards in poor districts of penalties for voter fraud, they are the voter fraud they claim to be looking for but they have not looked in their backyard yet, buy a vowel republicans