Friday, September 19, 2014

Idiotic Wisconsin Republican lawsuit: ballot placement is only fair when they're on top

Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker talks to supporters in La Crosse.

Republican legislative leaders filed a lawsuit Wednesday seeking changes to the newly redesigned ballot for the November election, claiming the one drafted by the nonpartisan elections agency unfairly benefits Democrats [...]
The ballot design is unfair because Democratic candidates are listed first under the name of the office being sought and Republican candidates are separated by a line, the lawsuit said.
Democrats are listed first, per state law, based on results in the 2012 election where President Barack Obama won Wisconsin. Republican candidates were listed first in 2012 because Gov. Scott Walker won election in 2010.
 The ballot is unfair because Democrats are listed first! It wasn't unfair in 2012, when Republicans were listed first. Because, you know, Republicans were listed first.
So to recap, the only fair Wisconsin ballots are ones where Republicans are listed first, and where draconian photo ID requirements protect against voter fraud that doesn't exist.
do you really want someone whose mentality is that of a grade schooler at the water cooler, "why does he get to go first, i went first last time", that is not idiotic is the republican way and that my friends is not an oxymoron the party of stupid does as stupid is and graduates from stupider to stupidest.
you also can't believe in little gov't, suppressing the vote, taking food stamps, job blocking and deny health care and fair wages and working conditions and be for the little guy either.