Sunday, September 14, 2014

Pope Francis performs first papal marriage ceremony since 2000 — on a couple who lived in sin

"Pope Francis married 20 couples from different social backgrounds during a ceremony at St Peter's basilica in Vatican City, on September 14, 2014" via AFP

I think God directed those who chose who represents Him/Her and they now have buyers remorse because they are not like him and he is more God like then they were looking for.

A single mother, people who have been married before and couples who have been living together “in sin” were married by Pope Francis in a taboo-challenging ceremony at the Vatican on Sunday.
In another signal of the openness of his papacy, Francis asked to marry 40 people from different social backgrounds who would be a realistic sample of modern couples.
Popes very rarely perform marriages — the last one was in 2000.
Marriage “is not an easy road, it’s sometimes a contentious trip, but that’s life”, the pope told the couples, both young and old, as their families gathered for the solemn two-hour ceremony.

Pope Frankie is not a bigot as my God is neither those in the church who support discrimination are.  the Bible say's Jesus said, "he that is without sin among you cast the first stone"  Popes very rarely do many things he has done and that's a good thing Jesus visited the lepers  church hierarchy only visit multitudes and at a distance and only if they come to them.

"people in glass houses should not throw stones"

religion abounds with bigotry but is it really what Jesus would do, or just those who would rule the church say to keep their thumb on your back and give you a reason to believe their bigoted preaching, blame it on Jesus the story of his life?