Sunday, September 14, 2014

CBS football host: 600 women have died since Ray Rice hit his wife

James Brown discussion on violence towards women

CBS hosted a Thursday night football game last night between the Baltimore Ravens (Ray Rice's now former team) and the Pittsburgh Steelers. During the pre-game broadcast, CBS host James Brown delivered a powerful message for the men and women tuning in, calling for the "comprehensive education of men of what healthy, respectful manhood is all about and it starts with how we view women."

And it starts with how we view women. Our language is important. For instance, when a guy says, ‘you throw the ball like a girl’ or ‘you’re a little sissy,’ it reflects an attitude that devalues women and attitudes will eventually manifest in some fashion. Women have been at the forefront in the domestic violence awareness and prevention arena. And whether Janay Rice considers herself a victim or not, millions of women in this country are.
Consider this: According to domestic violence experts, more than three women per day lose their lives at the hands of their partners. That means that since the night February 15th in Atlantic City [when the elevator incident occurred] more than 600 women have died.

I know the devastation domestic violence forces into the lives of those inflicted upon, my mother and myself at the hands of my stepfather.  I agree with those taunts being degrading to women now where as it didn't before I as many I'm sure saw them as putting down the male they were addressed to.

IMO this exceeds just the sports world wehave a politicle party in this country who if you are to except polling is poised to take over the country big difference in leading the country, that supports violence against women of all magnitudes the laws they propose favor offenders gives them legal rights for their crimes instead of jail time.  these are references from another post just as relevant.