Sunday, September 7, 2014

Fox News Provides Rand Paul A Platform To Fabricate Quotes From Hillary Clinton

Fox News offered Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) a platform to attack former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton over the terrorist group known as the Islamic State, raising questions about the network's willingness to be manipulated using unverified quotes in order to harm a potential presidential candidate.
During the September 3 edition of Hannity, Paul joined host Sean Hannity to discuss the threat of the Islamic State to the U.S. After Hannity asked him if IS "has declared war on us," Paul blamed Clinton for the Islamic State's rise, asserting that "in the past, you know, Hillary Clinton has said ISIS is not a threat to the United States."
Fox's Bill Hemmer later hosted Paul on the September 5 edition of America's Newsroom, where Paul again claimed Clinton has "been out there saying that ISIS is not a threat, and so not a threat to America. Those I think were her exact words." After Hemmer asked Paul whether Clinton actually said the terror group was not a threat, Paul was unable to pin down where the alleged quote was from, but responded that it was his "belief" that "a couple of months ago there was a quote saying ISIS was not a threat to America." Hemmer subsequently failed to follow up on Paul's lack of specifics.

we know the midterm is looming around the corner and 2016 2 years away but republicans jump the gun on everything else so starting the smear campaigns now is par for their course.  they will continue to try band do it to Pres. but the closer we get to 2016 the ore they'll attack her trying to use his policies. now Paul we know is a plagiarist, now he's ventured into the bald faced lying phase of his repertory 2016 attempt.

keep in mind the clown car entrance of the 12 candidate wannabes 2012 well this time they might have a bus of clowns.  with that many competition we are bound to have a memorable year and quite a few flub a dubs this should beat 2012 laughfest hands down.  Hilary break out the hip boots the elephant dung is about to flow.