Sunday, September 7, 2014

Fox's Latest Benghazi Hoax Used As Justification For Wasteful Select Committee

Fox News' upcoming special report on Benghazi, which examines questions that have already been answered repeatedly by multiple congressional and independent investigations, is being used by Benghazi Select Committee Chairman Trey Gowdy (R-SC) to justify the establishment of his redundant select committee.
The special, titled "13 Hours at Benghazi" and hosted by Special Report's Bret Baier on September 5, is slated to explore "Whether or not military assistance was requested by the security team and whether orders from above hindered their response to the violence that claimed the lives of U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans." A Special Report segment teased the special by highlighting the reaction of congressional lawmakers including Benghazi Select Committee Chair Gowdy, who said in a press release:
[I]n response to recent reports from security personnel on the ground in Benghazi:
"The Committee has heard of these concerns and they go to the heart of why Congress established this Committee--to determine all of the facts of what happened in Benghazi before, during and after the terrorist attack that day. We welcome the opportunity, and expect, to talk to personnel who were on the ground in Benghazi, their superiors, and anyone with relevant information related to the Benghazi terrorist attack. There are still facts to learn about Benghazi and information that needs to be explained in greater detail to the American people. And this Committee will do just that."

As the Daily Beast's Eli Lake explained, on the night of the attacks there was a 23-minute delay between the initial distress call from the diplomatic facility in Benghazi and when the CIA contractors from the nearby CIA Annex departed to rescue the Americans there. Despite suggestions from some in the intelligence community that this delay hindered their rescue effort, repeated investigations found no evidence that the CIA operatives were delayed by "orders from above," as Fox's announcement suggests.
Select Committee Ranking Member Elijah Cummings (D-MD) noted in a press release that this question has already been investigated and answered by multiple congressional committee in the House and Senate. 

did he not hear the repeated debunking of the multi million dollar bummer of Issa and now this new guy how many millions is he planning on wasting?  don't they call it insanity to keep doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result?  their own people have closed the book closed the door and turned out the lights while the fanatics are now running around with flash lights trying to get a do over.  Americans that's your money they are spending and their maj0ority of congress is okaying their own blank check, you know like the ones they never gave Pres. because it's only good if they sign it last.  still thinking who to vote for how about the ones that are not blowing the deficit up?  note none of that party has ever tried to stop the madness so much for the party of fiscal responsibility lied to you again huh?