Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Fox News' Elisabeth Hasselbeck compares NFL's domestic abuse cases with Benghazi

Jordin Sparks Visits "FOX & Friends"

now you know where the republicans got that accusation "ram it down our throats" from their own playbook. like Clinton said "takes a lot of brass to accuse someone of what you do".

Hasselbeck's tweet comes amid calls for NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell to resign over his response to the domestic abuse cases involving former Baltimore Ravens running back Ray Rice and Adrian Peterson, and a day before the House Select Committee on Benghazi’s first open hearing.
Hasselbeck, who left "The View" to join Fox News in 2013, has a personal interest in both. She is married to former NFL quarterback Tim Hasselbeck, now an ESPN analyst.
Goodell's wife, Jane Skinner, was an anchor for Fox News from 1998 to 2010.
Fox News has been criticized for what some call an obsession with placing the blame for Benghazi on the Obama administration. According to a study conducted by liberal watchdog group Media Matters, Fox News' primetime lineup ran 1,098 segments on Benghazi in the first 20 months following the attacks, including 281 segments alleging a "coverup" by the Obama administration.
i'm waiting for them to compare Pres.'s handling of current mid east to Bush's ignoring warnings of Bin Laden's  intention to attack America, i still think Bush let the warnings go as well as Bin Laden because of his friendship and business partners the Bin Laden parents.  have you ever heard anything about that on Fox?