Wednesday, September 17, 2014

[UPDATE] Another Out Of Control Cop Story, But This Cop May Have Messed With The Wrong Kid
This is just tragic, but it falls in line with the batshit craziness that has been going on with law enforcement as of late. An Independence MO cop used a taser and critically injured a 17-year-old child (Bryce Masters) during a traffic stop.
It began with the cop telling the kid to roll down his window and then things went downhill from there.  The kid is currently in the hospital in critical condition. Doctors had to put him in a medically induced coma because of brain swelling. All this after the cop used a stun gun and proceeded to drag the kid out of the car. The cop says the kid refused to roll his window down,but witnesses tell a different story.
you would think of all the recent unfavorable attention law enforcement has gotten they would act a little more like their job description implies.
Curtis Martes stepped outside to welcome Masters to his house in the 200 block of Southside Boulevard about 3:30 p.m. Sunday, only to find that a police officer had pulled his friend over."The cop went up to the passenger window and was like, 'hey, roll down the window,'" Martes said.
However, Martes says Masters couldn't roll it down. "He doesn't have the cable that allows the electric window to work," Martes said. But Independence police said Masters had an outstanding traffic violation and refused to cooperate with the officer.
"I believe he did crack the window but did not roll it down any further. He was just being completely uncooperative with the officer," Sgt. Darrell Schmidli said. That's when things got rough.Police say the officer did what he had to do to protect himself because the teen began to struggle with the officer. "The driver refused to exit the vehicle. A struggle ensued, a Taser was deployed by the officer. The driver was finally removed out of the car. A struggle ensued once he was moved out of the car," Sgt. Darrell Schmidli said.
i'm confused the friend says window was broken no cable, the officer says he cracked the window "CRACKED", so how did this struggle ensue and if door closed window cracked what was the officer protecting himself from?  so how was he removed forced door opening or was he pulled through the cracked window? the more dangerous these cops become the more elaborately ridiculous the stories are.
However, witnesses describe a different scene. "The cop was like, 'you want to mess with me,' and pulled out his Taser and tased him. I thought he shot him. Then he pulled him out of the car handcuffed him and drug him around the car," witness Michelle Baker said.
Schmidli said Masters was warned the officers were going to use a stun gun and still refused to cooperate. "It looked like he hit his head on the concrete. You could see blood coming out of his mouth. The cop put his foot on his back and moved it back and forth like he was putting a cigarette out and asked him, 'are you ready to get up now?' You could tell the kid was going into convulsions," Baker said.
Witnesses who saw the whole thing happen say they watched Masters die and then come back to life after emergency crews resuscitated him.
But the plot thickens…
The kid's dad is a cop with the Kansas City Police Department and the Masters' family has asked The Justice Department to step in and lead an investigation of the Independence MO Police Department.
The FBI announced Monday afternoon that it has launched an investigation of the Independence Police Department after a teen was left in a coma following an arrest.
yeah they got it right they messed with the wrong one or is it the right one to bring this to the people and the feds.  looks like more police are being investigated than republican politicians and that's saying something about who protects and serves you locally and statewide?