Saturday, September 6, 2014

Ferguson Police Chief Caught In Huge Lie Surrounding Michael Brown Surveillance Video

tom jackson

Ferguson police chief Tom Jackson was caught in a huge lie on Friday when it was revealed that he did not get “a lot of Freedom of Information requests” for a surveillance video from a local store the day 18-year-old Michael Brown was shot and killed by Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson. On Aug. 15th, Jackson finally released Wilson’s identity after keeping it hidden for nearly a week. However, at the same press conference, Jackson also released still photos and a video from a ‘strong-arm robbery’ that occurred at Ferguson Market minutes before Brown was confronted and killed by Wilson on August 9th.
When pressed for a reason he released both Wilson’s identity and this video at the exact same time, Jackson stated that he had received numerous media requests for the specific information related to the apparent robbery of the store. However, Matthew Keys, who writes for The Blot, confirmed on Friday that the Ferguson Police Department had not received any specific FOIA requests relating to a robbery involving Brown. In fact, the only request they got related to Brown stemmed from a general request from Joel Currier, a crime and police reporter for the St. Louis Post-Dispatch.
As Keys pointed out in his article, Currier was the only one who made a specific request to Ferguson PD, and his request was actually quite broad and encompassing. Other pieces of information that could have been included per Currier’s request (911 call, dispatch reports, incident report) have still not been released. Instead, Jackson decided to release a tape of an alleged robbery that he admitted later had nothing to do with the encounter between Wilson and Brown. The police chief himself has stated that Wilson only confronted Brown over jaywalking and was not aware of any apparent robbery that had been committed minutes earlier.
this is a completely inept police chief leading an inept dept., what took so long to release name was they knew he was guilty and had to come up with some5thing to counter his homicidal act, so saying Brown was robbing a store at release of name time served that purpose except he forgot that early on and admitted it had nothing to do with the shooting which gave away the fact that it was intentional smearing so those who are on their side and press would think he deserved it but that too is BS AS EGREGIOUS A THEIR ACTION THEY DON'T DESERVE TO BE SHOT DOWN IN THE STREET TO LAY FOR 5 HOURS. 
this is why Ferguson majority population feel there is no justice to be found and why the DOJ thought it necessary to step in an insure that justice would be done.