Saturday, September 6, 2014

Chris Christie Condemns Democratic Process As Shocking And Underhanded


Anyone who has been around the criminal justice system, whether in law enforcement, a district attorney’s office, or simply serving on a jury, is familiar with criminals going to any lengths to shift blame or distract attention away from their malfeasance. Politicians caught up in untoward or unethical behavior are no different, and it was bound to happen sooner or later that a Republican under investigation would lash out at Democrats and accuse them of shocking and underhanded tactics to win elections. However, unlike Republicans accused of bribery, violations of campaign finance regulations, and trading political favors for cash and gifts, the head of the Republican Governor’s Association is on the warpath because a state with a Democratic governor is making it easier for its citizens to participate in the democratic process.
New Jersey Governor Chris Christie was absolutely outraged that a bipartisan election commission in Illinois simplified the voting process that he claimed is “shocking,” and a “major obstacle for the GOP’s gubernatorial candidates.” According to the man being investigated for a wealth of political improprieties said making it easier for Republicans and Democratic voters alike to cast ballots is all the proof any American needs that Democrats “will try every trick in the book” to encourage voter participation in the hallmark of any democracy, and one most Americans take great pride in; the electoral process where all Americans have a voice.
really, they have done and are making more plans to suppress the Progressive vote and only the progressive vote, he's claiming that Dems are making it easier for republicans too to vote  is an impropriety, I thought that was one of our basic rights the country was supposedly built on the right to vote even though the in the beginning ascribed the 3/5ths status to Blacks and other slaves so as to deny them the vote, is this taking the country back?  this also shows us he is no longer as positively gung ho about getting away with his own improprieties trying to swi9tch the view with one that your claim doesn't float won't work either.
Christie’s outrage was over the Illinois State Board of Elections that is made up of equal parts Democrats and Republicans who attempted to increase voter turnout by simplifying same-day voter registration. Something Christie slammed as an “underhanded Democratic tactic.” However, it is an initiative that eleven other states, many with Republican governors, are promoting because unlike the corrupt Christie, some states champion the democratic process.
 bad day at the office when you don't check to see if others of your party were doing what you are trying to call improprieties.  leaping before leaping looks like is knee jerk fear reaction by republicans.  Pres said change was here and it's happening everywhere he never said I was going to change by myself.