Thursday, August 28, 2014

Republicans poll women, are told they're 'stuck in the past'

Elyse Holmes, 2, peaks out as her mother Helen Holmes votes at Madbury Town Hall in Madbury, New Hampshire November 4, 2008.       REUTERS/Adam Hunger

A detailed report commissioned by two major Republican groups — including one backed by Karl Rove — paints a dismal picture for Republicans, concluding female voters view the party as “intolerant,” “lacking in compassion” and “stuck in the past.”
The only real surprise here is that Republicans bothered to actually check what women think of them. Republicans do have an edge among married women, but otherwise, it's tough going for them, issue by issue:
When female voters are asked who “wants to make health care more affordable,” Democrats have a 39 percent advantage, and a 40 percent advantage on who “looks out for the interests of women.” Democrats have a 39 percent advantage when it comes to who “is tolerant of other people’s lifestyles.”

Female voters who care about the top four issues — the economy, health care, education and jobs — vote overwhelmingly for Democrats. Most striking, Democrats hold a 35-point advantage with female voters who care about jobs and a 26 percent advantage when asked which party is willing to compromise. House Republicans say jobs and the economy are their top priorities.
 The GOP answer to their deficit with women on the issues is dishonesty: First, claim that Republicans totally support fairness for women even if they don't support actual equal pay legislation. But before they ask exactly how Republicans are going to promote fairness, distract women from the discrimination they face from above by getting them to blame other women who are struggling, accusing Democrats of "growing government programs that encourage dependency rather than opportunities to get ahead."  
In short, it's "welfare queen" talk under another name. Second, acknowledge disagreements about abortion and then change the subject real fast. Third, try to find a few economic issues where Republicans can make it sound like their policies provide answers—talk about job training and the like, as if being trained for jobs is a good answer to anything when there are no jobs.

I have always been baffled at how women married or single can support a party that obviously has none of their issues on a to do list and demonize the Dems for doing so and always putting their needs on the to do list, there really is a war against women those women who deny i can't speak to their motive except to say they are in a circular firing squad  and blindfolded they are not shooting themselves in the foot they are killing rights and potentially many women by siding with the enemy I see these women as collaborators like those who collaborated with the Nazi's WWII, not a lot of difference.