Friday, June 6, 2014

Those without health insurance falls 3.7% to 13.4% says Gallup, down more for blacks and Hispanics

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This morning Joan McCarter mentions this Gallup Poll showing a 6.2% drop in the number of African Americans without health insurance from the forth quarter of last year. Here, Jenna Levy of Gallup provides more details in U.S. Uninsured Rate Holds Steady at 13.4% - Uninsured rate declining most among blacks and Hispanic, with the uninsured rate for April and May averaging 13.4%.
The percentage of U.S. adults lacking insurance coverage in the first two months of the second quarter of 2014 is down from 17.1% in the fourth quarter of 2013 and from the 15.6% average in the first quarter of 2014. The current 13.4% average for the second quarter of 2014 is the lowest level recorded since Gallup began tracking this measure in 2008.
Across nearly every major subgroup, the uninsured rate is lower now compared with the fourth quarter of 2013. The rate dropped more among blacks than it did in other major demographic groups, falling 6.2 percentage points to 14.7%.
Hispanics had the second-largest drop in the percent uninsured across demographic groups. Although the rate among Hispanics is down 5.6 points since the end of 2013 to 33.1%, this remains the highest uninsured rate across key subgroups. Hispanics are a major target of public outreach efforts, because they historically are the most likely to be uninsured among demographic groups.
i really don't have a problem with this, and i would like to say to those who were and still are fence walking the sun is up and you can see which side has the greener grass, as to republican misinformation and misleading and outright lies, now that the whole world sees how wrong you were, and providing Americans with affordable health care "IS NOT AN ABOMINATION OR A TRAIN WRECK""  what is, is your in action to help and total action to deny, you should be kicked out of the country.