Thursday, June 5, 2014

Reid, McConnell square off on money in politics

Public Citizen staff delivers 2+ million petition signatures in support of constitutional amendment to regulate dark money. Daily Kos has a box full.

The two Senate leaders, Harry Reid and Mitch McConnell made a rare joint appearance Tuesday, testifying before the Senate Judiciary Committee on a proposed constitutional amendment to reimpose spending limits by outside groups in political campaigns. They were, of course, on opposite sides of the debate over whether or not it's okay for the Koch brothers to buy themselves a government.
Reid argued [pdf] that "the flood of dark money into our nation’s political system poses the greatest threat to our democracy that I have witnessed during my time in public service." The system the Supreme Court has left the nation with is one in which "one side’s billionaires are pitted against the other side’s billionaires."
So we sit here today faced with a simple choice: We can keep the status quo and argue all day about whose billionaires are right—or, we can work together to change the system, to get this shady money out of our democracy and restore the basic principle of one American, one vote.
He then pointed out that Sen. Mitch McConnell had his own constitutional amendment, back in 1987, to regulate unlimited campaign contributions. He quoted McConnell, who said in 1987: "We Republicans have put together a responsible and Constitutional campaign reform agenda. It would restrict the power of special interest PACS, stop the flow of all soft money, keep wealthy individuals from buying public office."
McConnell's tune has changed, not surprisingly, brushing away his former principles and standing behind the straw man of free speech, arguing that this constitutional amendment was nothing more than "stir[ring] up one party’s political base so they’ll show up in November," in an effort to "empower incumbent politicians in Congress and in the states to write the rules on who gets to speak and who doesn’t."
i think if we allow the gov't to be sold at auction to the richest billionaires there will be no discussion or debates to free speech and nothing else we have today we have had previews of the republican agenda for over 5 years now we know what they will do if given the keys and i don't just mean measure for new drapes.  we have seen them shut down our gov't brag about it then blame Pres. for it when their bragging got stale.  take food out of babies mouths, promote hate, racism and bigotry breeding another generation of them, is there enough time left in your life to continue struggling?
are 2 million plus enough, no we are just getting started there will be ways popping up that will help overcome the skulduggery and the money seize on them when you see them, if you save mine you'll be saving yours and vice versa. recognize
we've seen them lie and cheat and deprive half the country of rights to vote pick and choose what kids eat this summer, deprive poor families of food stamps that majority is their base they are depriving the most if you don't look out for yours why should you be expected to look out for those you have made it plain are just taking up space on this planet and nothing they do or say favorable includes us. wake up everybody ans stop grinning back at smiling faces.