Thursday, June 5, 2014

Sarah Palin wants Phil Robertson to run for president

if you were still in doubt about the absurd ignorance of Palin and the stupidity of the republican party worry no longer she said it and they applauded, case closed
 Many of you know that at last week's Republican Leadership Conference, Phil Robertson declared that if the Republican Party is to turn itself around, it needs to "get Godly" and take a harder line on social issues.  But a lot of us missed an even more cringeworthy moment beforehand.  While she was introducing the Duck Commander, Palin suggested that he ought to run for president.
She described the Duck Dynasty patriarch as a "self-made entrepreneur" akin to those who formed America, an "educator and a church elder who inspires others to be bold and to embrace family."
"His life is a testament to those truths, to...get off your butt to make a buck," Palin said, seemingly channeling the Robertson family's evocative language.
But Palin went deeper than cheeky language, referencing what might unfold to be Robertson's political future. "Maybe he should be not just the Duck Commander. How about a Duck Commander in Chief?"
 While Robertson's homophobia is par for the course among the GOP base, I figure that even some of the most right-wing Republicans out there would balk at voting for a guy who thinks it's OK for grown men to actively pursue teenage girls.  We already knew Palin's standards weren't that high to begin with.  But even if she wasn't a mother of three girls, this would be frightening.
Last week, I had to leave a Facebook group of which I was a longtime member after I objected to Palin being called a whore--and several other members said she deserved it for all the bile she's spewed over the last six-plus years.
cheering for Americans to die because of no insurance, boo gay soldiers fighting for them, kill food stamps indicating their war is not just against Americans of color but their base too, wonder if that base knows have they figured it out yet that they are in a sling too and they cheer for their own undoing, party of stupidity "ya betcha".