Saturday, June 21, 2014

Nebraska utility phasing out 5 coal plants for 49% reduction of greenhouse gases for little cost
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Kate Sheppard  of The Huffington Post reports that Nebraska Utility Is Phasing Out Some Coal Units, And It Won't Cost That Much. The Omaha Public Power District in Nebraska will shut down three coal powered electrical generation units in the next two years and phase two other into using natural gas withing in a decade, a spokesperson for the utility said this yesterday.  
The three coal units will be retired by 2016, the public utility said. Another two units at that plant will get updated pollution controls by 2016 as well, and will transition to burning natural gas by 2023. OPPD will similarly retrofit its Nebraska City coal-fired station and implement new energy-efficiency programs to reduce demand.
These changes will reduced greenhouse gas emissions by 49%, cut nitrogen emissions by 74%, and sulfur oxide by 68%. Exactly, the goals of President Obama's recently announced proposed goals by the EPA for reduced carbon emissions, with a bonus of the reduction of the other pollutants.
The utility said it was responding to "customer opinions."
wow big coal listening to the people or to their lawyers about potential lawsuits and EPA fines,  this is the freedom republicans claim they are losing a mislead inplying that we were losing reedoms which we would be if they get voted in the right to breathe clean air, drink unpolluted water, eat insecticide and chemically enhanced foods.  those freedoms they refer to is theirs to do do all of the above without regulation that keeps us safe from them doing all of the above.

I now along with a brain tumor have lung cancer from smoking but it's a reality for you and your family of non smokers, factory emissions coal and oil burning pipelines and fracking all freedoms of big business that can kill you. do you want this to be the future of your family and friends;

will other red states or Koch states follow suit or will they value their money over American's health?