Saturday, June 21, 2014

NOM's Rally Crashed, Burned, Flopped, Failed, Fizzled, Disintegrated And Imploded All At Once

I will admit that before NOM's March for Straight Marriage yesterday, I was a little worried that it could do harm to our cause. I was worried that it might begin to roll back public opinion, possibly leading to a reluctance among judges to invalidate marriage discrimination laws.
But the rally has not only invalidated my worries, it's actually made me more confident of winning than ever before.
I went to just before 11, intending to watch the speakers at the rally. The thing I was looking out for most was an overtly homophobic statement by a speaker. It fortunately didn't come, although considering how they were speaking, Ruben Diaz and Bill Owens must have had at least a dozen cans of Red Bull each before the rally.
I noticed that there was only one camera, and it was always fixed on the speaker, and never on the audience. That may be explained by the fact that the audience never erupted in rapturous cheering and applause. The most they could ever muster was a half-hearted cheer, and a weak waving of their pink and blue flags. They didn't seem too thrilled or enthused.
I think it was at about 11:30 when not even Brian Brown could remain in denial of this. He took the podium.
"I think we need a chant. You guys are getting a little down", he said. "ONE MAN! ONE WOMAN!"
"One man, one woman," the crowd murmured back.

looks as though those who oppose are withering on the vine, remember a week or so ago the anemic almost non existent Tea Party millions rally minus the millions, thousands just a couple of hundred or so showed up, now this bigoted group rallying for their rights while denying others theirs, same sex marriage does nothing to "traditional marriage" it does enough to itself.  a chant really?
No "summer soldiers" or "sunshine patriots" these folks!

Last year, NOM reported that over 10,000 people attended its rally during the DOMA/Prop 8 arguments. If that was true, then support for their cause has fallen 80 percent. Many outlets, such as the Washington Blade, Gawker, The New Civil Rights Movement and ThinkProgress reported an attendance of about 2,000 people.
But I don't think that should be the official number. From The Washington Times:
Hundreds march in defense of traditional marriage
You read that right. Hundreds. Not even a single thousand, let alone two thousand.