Saturday, June 21, 2014

Aw, Rush Limbaugh's Sad - Tiny Bookstore Rejects His Books & Won't Play With Him

Busboys and Poets operated by Teaching For Change, flat out rejected his Rush Revere books. Limbaugh's feelings where hurt. His response?
I know you are but what am I?
Yes, Limbaugh actually said:
"This is exclusionary, it’s racist, it’s bigoted, and it’s the opposite of everything they claim to be. And it’s exactly what they accuse us of being. They claim that they’re tolerant. They claim they’re open-minded. They claim that they are colorblind and all that. They are the most bigoted, racist people. They exclude here and exclude there and then they don’t make any money and they can’t figure out why.
My two books are in the top five on the New York Times best-seller list, and here’s a woman at a bookstore who wants to sell books, is begging people to buy ‘em, proudly says that two of the books in the top five are not even available at her store, and she wants accolades for that. These people are loony. They simply are dumb. They don’t have the slightest idea what they’re doing."
 Of course, in the above there is a nice chunk of shameless self-promotion for his book. But you know, the self-proclaimed 'Mayor of Realsville' may be half right in his last sentence. The Busboys And Poets management certainly knew what they were doing, yet they most likely had no idea how much business they'd be gaining once Liberal media and the general public caught on.
 This small independent bookstore, shelved with integrity, did what Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Target… didn't have th ethics and balls to do - turn down books written by a hate monger. Sadly, Teaching For Change/Busboys And Poets are receiving hate calls from Dittoheads.

once again a righty telling others "they know not what they do"  problem is only one in history made and had the right to say that and he looked nothing like the lard azz, balding, cigar toking, blow hard we all know and despise.  but if seems they did know there are more compassionates than haters and business is up, haters don't read much because if they did they wouldn't have the time or the inclination to be haters.  God doesn't like ugly!!