Saturday, June 21, 2014

Mitch McConnell wants you to know he's a champion of the working man

Mitch McConnell has a drink with an empty chair meant to represent President Obama
And he swills beer, too
Mitch McConnell might spend his days as the Republican leader in the U.S. Senate, but by night, he's a working class hero—or at least that's what his message is:
Speaking on the Senate floor, Republican Leader Mitch McConnell introduced a bill Wednesday to assist working-class Kentucky parents take care of their children. The "Working Parents Home Office Act" would give parents a tax deduction for their home office if they have a baby crib.
Wow. Such a champion of the little guy. This completely makes up for the fact that he wants to repeal health care for one in 10 Kentuckians, refuses to allow a vote on raising the minimum wage, and opposes legislation to guarantee that women get paid the same as men for the same work. As his opponent, Kentucky Secretary of State Allison Lundergan Grimes says:

"Mitch McConnell has some nerve to suddenly show concern about low wages for workers after he voted against increasing Kentuckians' wages over 15 times," said Grimes. "The contrast between my opponent and me on strengthening the middle class could not be starker: I'm proud to have led the nation in calling to raise the minimum wage for all Kentuckians."

keep in mind no matter what you hear from that side of the street if this is the first time you have or maybe even a second time it's just another ruse by republicans to secure your vote remember they said they did not need to drop their "VALUES" now known as "PRINCIPLES" the very principles that have been the basis for all the dirt and hate their platform rest on, there is no change of heart when you have none.  taking food out of babies mouths then try to rectify it by only allowing it to White babies in Appalachia.  the same game with the same name with the same no shame "REPUBLICANS".