Saturday, June 21, 2014

Karl Rove Attacks Obama For Pursuing "Unprecedented" Iraq Deal That Bush Did First

Karl Rove argued that the Obama administration's effort to renegotiate the Status of Forces Agreement with Iraq in 2011 failed because Obama placed unprecedented conditions on Iraq -- conditions that the Bush administration actually included in its 2008 agreement with Iraq.
Fox contributor Karl Rove went on the June 20 edition of Fox News' America's Newsroom and accused the Obama administration of adding unprecedented demands into the renegotiation of the 2011 Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) with Iraq. According to Rove, the U.S. and Iraq failed to agree because the Obama administration insisted on parliamentary approval of the agreement -- a condition that "was impossible for Iraqis to meet" and divergent from "what we've done in any other country around the world where we have a Status of Forces Agreement" (emphasis added):

we keep hearing about why aren't the admin telling congress keep them in the loop, tell me how this guy Rove aka TURD BLOSSOM and other right wing screamers are privy to information that is supposedly not for public consumption and you'll have your answer, they are trying to sink the Pres. and leaking the info they are railing about serves only to negate Pres.'s efforts especially foreign affairs.

"Turd Blossom" (or Sand Turd) is a Texan term for a flower which grows from a pile of cow dung. As Turd Blossom, the term has gained notoriety in the United States.

BILL HEMMER (co-host): Are you of the mind that the reason why we did not leave a force of 10,000 behind in Iraq -- you know, the president said yesterday 'the Iraqis didn't let us, Maliki would not give us the agreement, so we had no decision but to pull out.'  Are you of the mind that this administration did not want that agreement in order to have the reason and the rationale to pull American forces out of Iraq and say to the American people 'campaign promise fulfilled, the Iraq war is winding down and now ended.' What do you think?
ROVE: Well it's hard always to define intent, but I do think the administration, they said they wanted it, they assigned Joe Biden to negotiate it, and then at the last minute they put in a condition that was impossible for the Iraqis to meet -- that is to say, they wanted parliamentary approval of the SOFA. That's not what we've done in any other country around the world where we have Status of Forces Agreement. We've signed it with the leader of the country. And Maliki had the authority to do it, but it was impossible for him to go to his parliament at that time because he was trying to form a government and this would have been embroiled in domestic politics. So the administration basically made it impossible to do the deal.
Yet the Bush administration -- in which Rove served for seven years -- included parliamentary approval in its 2008 SOFA with Iraq, setting the terms for future SOFA's renegotiations.

they repeatedly make erroneous statements that are rebuked on the spot but they've learned nothing they don't do the homework before sticking both hoofs in their mouths.  to lie with impunity is a direct reflection of a person without morals or character none of which is a plus for someone who aspires to hold public office except within the republican base the more notorious the bigger the appeal do they thing that nefarious agenda will not be imposed on them because they voted for them and are in the same party.  that's a go to hell and look forward to the trip moment.

bush fumbling in articulations are coming home to roost G W Bush, "you can fool some of the people all of the time and those are the ones you want to concentrate on",  and they are working those fooled ones to the max.