WASHINGTON (AP) — Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal on Saturday night accused President Barack Obama and other Democrats of waging wars against religious liberty and education and said that a rebellion is brewing in the U.S. with people ready for "a hostile takeover" of the nation's capital.

Jindal spoke at the annual conference hosted by the Faith and Freedom Coalition, a group led by longtime Christian activist Ralph Reed. Organizers said more than 1,000 evangelical leaders attended the three-day gathering. Republican officials across the political spectrum concede that evangelical voters continue to play a critical role in GOP politics.
this guy doesn't know who he wants to play on any given day.  he is sounding more like the 50's McCarthyism,  waging war against religion and education or are evangelicals waging war against him?


Pres wants all kids to get education go to college  evangelicals, well they support the republican party and all it's tenets, like gun laws carry in church did you hear them protest when republicans wanted to kill summer lunch for urban kids and supply it for Appalachian rural kids you know who predominantly lives in those areas.  what about food stamps what about hate and bigotry and racism, their participation in the wear against poor and women.

now that primary's are fading time for the republican rhetoric to change to all warm and fuzzy, you know like a sheep's fleece covering a wolf.  we will continue to hear what seems like a change of heart but remember they have no heart we've seen the results of that the last 6 years and now it's different we should welcome them all is forgiven, I think not  this is temporary and fake remember they don't need to change their "VALUES"  now known as "PRINCIPLES" the ones we have come to know and fear.

treason brewing in the Jindal camp,  is he promoting violent action to over throw the government sure sounds like it he denies his state health care and says they are revolting against the gov't???


[tree-zuhn] Show IPA
the offense of acting to overthrow one's government or to harm or kill its sovereign.
a violation of allegiance to one's sovereign or to one's state.
the betrayal of a trust or confidence; breach of faith; treachery.