Sunday, June 22, 2014

Dick Cheney Asked If Obama Is Guilty Of Treason. Here Was His Response.


Dick Cheney

Former Vice President Dick Cheney wouldn’t deny that he was accusing President Obama of committing treason for undermining the nation’s national security interests in Iraq in an effort to take America “down a notch” in the world.
Appearing on ABC’s This Week, Cheney was asked about his scathing Wall Street Journal op-ed criticizing Obama for withdrawing troops from Iraq and failing to adopt a more muscular foreign policy in response to the crisis in the Middle East.
“In this op-ed, you suggest the president is a fool,” reporter Jon Karl said, “That is the word you used, ‘only a fool would take the approach he’s taking in Iraq right now.’” “It almost seems like you’re accusing the president of treason, that he’s intentionally bringing America ‘down a notch.’”

how do you take the word of a deceptive oil hungry liar that put Americans in the ground and made children orphans and wives widows and mom's and dad's with an empty nest because they wanted more money, he used his office to further his own personal wealth.  to this day still deny any wrong doing but can find plenty to blame on Pres. like I say they do the dirt than try to sweep it on Pres.'s shoes, or Clinton "takes a lot of brass to accuse someone of what you do".

don't forget they ignored repeated warnings of Bin Laden's impending attack that lays all the events up to now clearly at their doorstep.

“I was a strong supporter then of going into Iraq, I’m a strong supporter now,” Cheney added. Pressed on what course of action he would take in the region were he president, Cheney admitted that “at this point, there are no good, easy answers,” before specifying that he would be “helping the resistance in Syria” with “training and weapons.”
“We need to dramatically reverse course on our defense budget,” Cheney said. “We’re decimating the defense budget, not Al Qaeda. We need to go back to a two-war strategy, not the one-war strategy he has in place.”

this is the mindset of any republican taking office remember Norquist during 2012 election thee party's criteria for being Pres. not just a liar and a criminal but this; just a figurehead and puppet

or this who you vote for in the republican party ain't who you get.