Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Billionaire Gets Four Months for Sexual Assault of a 12-Year-Old Girl


“Affluenza” has struck again.
Samuel Curtis “S. C.” Johnson III, the 59-year-old billionaire heir to the S. C. Johnson & Sons (formerly Johnson’s Wax) fortune, who confessed to repeatedly sexually assaulting his teenage stepdaughter, has received an prison sentence of only four months from Racine County Circuit Justice Eugene Gasiorkiewicz, citing the Johnson family’s importance in the community.
Johnson pled guilty to mere misdemeanor charges of fourth-degree sexual assault and disorderly conduct instead of felony sexual assault on a minor child. The victim told police Johnson was “a sex addict” and touched her inappropriately 15 to 20 times beginning when she was 12 years old. The stepdaughter has since moved to North Carolina and was unwilling to return to Wisconsin to testify in the case.
Johnson’s attorney, Michael F. Hart, that the maximum prison term for his client was not fair and should be reserved for “maximum defendants,” people unlike his client (read: not billionaires), who has no prior record and who leads a “productive life.”
Judge Gasiorkiewicz agreed and gave Johnson a fine of $6,000 and four months in prison. The judge ruled that he must serve at least 60 days of the sentence before he will be eligible for release.
whatever happened to "JUSTICE FOR ALL" did the Koch brothers buy that and burn it too?  that old saying "money talks BS walks" did at the time of that phrase being coined was there consideration of things like this being inclusive was it just another broad statement one size fits all intention?  it is shameful what America has descended to, we are not what we portray on the surface but in this age of cyber information the entire world even those living under that proverbial rock know we are frauds or should i say we have allowed a fradulent faction to usurp the values and mantle od American way of life for some and not for others.
the supreme court over the door says "EQUAL JUSTICE FOR ALL"  we have not seen that instead we see voter stripping, prejudice's and hatred and bigotry and outright racism prevail under the decisions handed down every since republicans were able to stack the court with lifetime right wing leaning justices, doesn't work when the majority of the population is not of that mindset.
this also addresses my thought that republican and right wing don't have a problem with rape at any age, kinda like a duck dynasty mentality in our highest and lowest courts, legal rape?  why not they have a binder full of different kinds of rape, but we know they are terrible at math rape is rape 1 no plus or minus one rape and IMO they support it even their women because we don't hear them making any noise in defense of it.