Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Guns at the ballot box ... what could possibly go wrong?


Guns everywhere does mean everywhere:
note they are always in groups is that a sign of fear masked by fake bravado?
Montgomery, Alabama officials have mere weeks to sort out whether gun-toting voters should be allowed in polling places under a new state law.
Differing interpretations of the new law became a problem in Tuesday's primary after men showed up with guns in at least two precincts near Birmingham. Also, an east Alabama county first banned guns from polling places only to change the policy.
A law enforcement leader in Shelby County says someone needs to sort out the confusion before the runoff election on July 15. Two armed voters tried to cast ballots there.
Boy, I sure would hate to be a black voter in Alabama when a bunch of open carry nuts decide to show up with their high-powered rifles and Confederate T-shirts. Let me guess the response from the gun nuts: "Hey ... just exercising our rights! Wanna make something of it?"
Imagine Florida. In the heat of a tight election in a hotly contested precinct, all we need to add to frustrated voters on long lines is some gun freaks with assault rifles "exercising their rights." And when the inevitable death and/or massacre occurs, we will be told there is nothing we can do. Second Amendment.
yeah what could go wrong, have a few drinks with the good 'ol boyz bash the the opponent and any one else that comes to mind, head off to vote in a drunken stupor clinging to your gun because of your new found law, get there lines blocks long several voters of color in front of you, after smirking amongst themselves one gets loud with racist rants while brandishing his new "little friend" and then...........................................?  you paint that picture.
ever notice we never hear of Blacks or Hispanics showing up anywhere with open carry guns why is that,  do they not sell to others is their a law or so many restrictions that they can't buy do they need another obscure ID why do we only here and see pictures of White rebels without a cause just giddy with euphoria because they can show the world they're strapped.
i wrote before i thought they were deliberately arming their crazy's and passing laws that pretty much can get those gun slingers off if they kill Americans, i'm sorry i made that observation and the evidence that seems to support it.