Tuesday, June 10, 2014

The incredible shrinking Karl Rove


Screenshot of Karl Rove's meltdown on Fox News when the network called Ohio for Obama in 2012.
Karl Rove, melting down on Fox when Ohio was called for Barack Obama because, you know, Obama won.
Talk about fading away...
American Crossroads reported raising just $6 million in the first quarter of 2014, and both of Rove's groups recently announced plans to spend $9.3 million on summer TV ads in four battleground states: Arkansas, Colorado, North Carolina and Alaska.
That's a fraction of the $175 million his groups spent in the 2012 election, or the $72 million they spent in the 2010 midterm.
All that spending is wasted money. It's been very clear that for whatever reason (changing media consumption habits, disgust at negative ads, bullshit messaging), these outside conservative groups are having little effect on actual numbers. They're just not effective.
For example, after spending hundreds of thousands of dollars in cheap-to-advertise Montana, Karl Rove could brag that Republican Steve Daines' 14-point advantage over Democrat John Walsh in the Senate race earlier this year had been ... whittled down to a 7-point advantage. And that's according to Rove's own polling.
we've heard figures up to 300 million being put on the table to buy 2012 election it was all spent on a foundation of convincing "we the people" that all the lies and misleading and misinformation was true although they were rebuked like the Jeep going to China lie after being rebuked Romney continued to spread the falsehood with impunity. misleading is their game deception is it's name.
they get so engrossed in fooling us they begin to believe what they intended us to believe and that is why they were melting down like a witch doused with a bucket of water.  when your track record mirrors your present behavior or worse kinda hard to convince the voters that something changed other than America at the Pres.'s control despite absentee congress,
 btw you do know we still pay them this time to take food from children, deny unemployment refuse minimum wage hike, refuse scientific proof of global warming guess they figure they'll be did and stinking by the time the real hurt comes, so much for caring about what we leave the children.
Wasting $175 million in 2012 kinda put a damper on Rove's star power. So this year, conservatives are more than happy to let the Koch Brothers pick up the "pissing away money" mantle, leaving Rove to fade into obscurity. If $175M did nothing for his cause in 2012, you can imagine what these few piddling millions of ineffective tripe will do this year.
and they are all to wiling to invest in their own selves a vote for republicans is a vote for the Koch infringement on or lives and they will infringe.