Thursday, June 12, 2014

Five things I learned about conservatives these past two weeks

Duck Dynasty cast photo alongside photo of Bob Bergdahl showing them sporting similar beards.

Conservatives have kindly given us an illuminating inside look into their world view these past few weeks. Things I've learned:
  • Reality is a mere inconvenience. Remember when Obamacare would destroy the world? How many of them are talking about the ACA today? The number is pretty much zero. The law proved its worth, and they moved on. There was Cliven Bundy, but that flamed out, so forget he ever existed. So they moved on to Benghazi select committee, but how much are you hearing about that these days? No, now it's BERGDAHL who will finally prove Obama's undoing. Except he won't.
  • "Leave no one behind" is not a conservative value. The Solider's Creed says, "I will never leave a fallen comrade." The Airman's Creed says, "I will never leave an airman behind." It's a foundational military and American value. For conservatives, it's "leave no one behind, unless Sarah Palin has something to say about it, then it depends." That's simply un-American.
  • Forget about supporting the troops. It's not just leaving our troops prisoner in the hands of our enemies. Conservatives filibustered increased spending on veterans health care. And let's not forget, they'll boo our troops if they happen to be of the wrong sexual persuasion. In other words, support for the troops is now lip service, and even then, situational. It really depends.
  • Beards say "I love America!" except the Taliban ones. Long beards are okay when they're on the face of Duck Dynasty pretend hillbillies, but not okay on the face of Bowe Bergdahl's father. Just because.  
  • the republicans try to blame Pres. accusing him of tearing the country apart, well i'll ask again why is it i can post so many different article showing with documentation the skulduggery and the outright bald faced lies they try to mislead us with and the treachery with which they are selling the country out from under us to big business, when the homespun scandals created by the republicans are of the same things Benghazi, NSA , ACA, and Pres. just screwing up the country by the numbers.
  • asking again all they things you hear Pres. wants to implement are all the things you hear republicans ranting against saying it will bankrupt the country kill jobs my favorite if the raise minimum wage it will hurt workers, it will cost them their jobs.
  • they are still beating the VA problem when the refused funding that might well have prevented the delays, they do the dirt then try and sweep it on Pres.'s shoes, just like they ignored Bin Laden threat and 3 wars and tens of thousands dead on both sides.  they all so jumped the gun and without any investigation which they are adept at starting and total failures at finishing, they've been demonizing Bergdhal without knowing if he suffers from some mental problem actually it didn't matter it was a chance to attack the Pres. which takes p residence over all things America check their track record and moniker "do nothingest congress in history".
  • like every other faux scandal they had their hands on it first or during which triggered the fault but you only hear what they say Pres. hasn't done pot kettle syndrome.